Quantum Mouldings of Kidderminster will be celebrating the next chapter of their development with an opening event for clients at their new premises.

Around 40 guests are expected to attend the event, alongside special guests Mark Garnier MP and the Mayor of Kidderminster, Cllr Michael Price and Consort, Mr Paul Simpson, which will be held at the former Sealine factory, purchased by the company in 2014.

Quantum Mouldings is a family business that has been manufacturing fibreglass products for a wide range of applications since the 1990s.

Since the move into the 70,000 sq.ft. space, the company has purchased more machinery, built new offices and improved processes enabling them to extend further into green technology markets – something the company has long been keen to pursue.

Owner and director Peter Wooldridge says, “It’s been a huge expansion and a lot of hard work over the past few months, but we’ve achieved what we set out to do. And now we’re looking forward to showing off our new capabilities to our clients. Hopefully they’ll be as delighted as we are!”