Whilst used fibreglass itself is challenging to recycle, there are other options to minimise the environmental footprint.
Used fibreglass retains strength and can be ground up into pellets to be used as reinforcement as a second life.
Used fibreglass parts can also be incinerated for energy recovery – the resin and gelcoats are energy rich and have a high combustible content, with glass being produced as a by-product.
This makes for a good quality energy recovery waste stream. |
Quantum have been working with suppliers for a number of years to incorporate recycled materials into our parts.
We routinely specify recycled PET resins, as well as recycled PET foam – all those old drinks bottles find their new life in many of our products. In 2023, just in our use of foam alone,
We saved 290,000 bottles from landfill
Quantum actively promote design for the environment – careful choices in materials and design can have a significant effect on the environmental impact of each part through the full life cycle. Please ask us how this can be applied to your products. |