GRP can be specified with a variety of different properties such as
- Strength
- Stiffness
- Heat resistance
- Fire retardancy
- UV resistance.
Depending on the needs of the part, there are a multitude of different matts, resins, core materials and other GRP products that can be combined to achieve the desired outcome.
Our production typically suits volumes of 50-5000 parts per year. |
The finished part has excellent strength and mechanical properties yet remains lightweight and can be produced with a high-quality gelcoat finish or to be painted.
GRP is around 75% lighter than steel and that translates into lighter structures, easier handling and in the case of mobile equipment, lower fuel consumption. It has further advantages that it is non-conductive (although conductivity can be introduced if required) and does not corrode.
Fibreglass boats, ponds and roofs are examples of GRP products which last for decades and still look and perform well beyond the service life of a metal or asphalt equivalent
Depending on the layup and choice of fibreglass mat, the strength and stiffness can be tuned to areas needing strength or flexibility offering a further advantage over sheet steel. |